FE LLC "TEXTILE TECHNOLOGIES GROUP" has been producing cotton yarn for the textile industry since 2014. Finished yarn is sold to light industry enterprises of Uzbekistan, and is also exported to China, Korea, Russia, Turkey and other countries. Today, our company employs over 500 skilled workers.
- Cotton cardan yarn for weaving
- Cardan cotton yarn for knitwear
- Compact combed cotton yarn for knitwear
The company employs experienced textile production specialists who are perfectly familiar with modern technologies. The combination of professionalism, modern equipment and carefully selected natural raw materials allows us to obtain high-quality raw materials that are in great demand among our customers. We are ready to fully provide them with our products. The production capacity of the enterprises of FE LLC TTG is 6,200 tons of yarn per year.
Excellent quality
Fast shipping
Affordable prices
Contract work
Phones Sales department:
+998 95 1439980, +998 95 1429611
textiletechgroup@mail.ru, sales@ttg.uz
Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, Yukorichirchik district, Bardankul settlement